Our Curriculum Subjects
Art is one of the most wonderful subjects. It stimulates creativity, imagination and fuels debate. It is woven throughout our history and throughout the modern world. At Ravensworth Primary School, children will leave our school equipped with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Some may even call them masterpieces…
Imagination and creativity are both developed through the exploration of materials and processes; through reference to inspirational artists and the ability to discuss their own creations with their peers.
Within our art curriculum, we strive to provide a range of visual, tactile and sensory experiences in order for children to express themselves through the use of colour, texture, form and pattern. Each unit has a different art focus such as printing, collage, drawing, 3D work, painting as well exploring links to a range of artists. We explore a wide range of techniques and understand that even the simplest form involves a significant amount of thought and creativity. We love exploring classic and modern art.
Through art and design activities, children learn to make informed judgements as well as aesthetic and practical decisions, becoming actively involved in shaping environments.
Design and Technology - DT
Design and Technology - DT
At Ravensworth Primary school, our children are actively encouraged to see themselves as competent, creative and innovative designers. When given a design brief, we challenge our children to have a positive attitude, grappling with challenges, whilst using innovation, creativity and practicality.
Their practical and technical skills are used to create quality products, which are fit for a real-life purpose and designed with their target audience in mind.
We believe that Design and Technology is an important part of a child’s education. It enables children to use and develop their observational skills, nurture a natural curiosity for the ever-changing world that they live in and gives the skills to approach problems in a practical way. We instil a context related purpose to design, planning, construction and evaluating the final product.
Design and Technology requires a broad range of subject knowledge and draws on disciplines such as Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Computing and Art. Design and Technology is important for developing skills for the future. Children learn how to take risks, be resourceful, enterprising and capable citizens ready for our modern world.
At Ravensworth Primary School, English is at the heart of all of our teaching and we strive for excellence in all areas. Through quality first teaching, we provide the tools for all pupils to succeed in Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening.
Opportunities to develop language and vocabulary are integral to the school, as is grammar and comprehension. Cross-curricular English is essential and is a core feature of every school day.
We open doors to success and children develop a lifelong love of reading!
Geography is a subject packed with excitement and intrigue, allowing us to explore aspects of the world and better understand its people, places, environments and the interactions between them.
Our Geography curriculum inspires in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Skills, knowledge and understanding are taught from EYFS and become increasingly demanding as pupils broaden and deepen their Geographical knowledge as they move up through the school. A range of opportunities and field trips are provided to enable pupils to use and build upon these skill sets.
Our focus throughout is on contextualized geography, using real, named, localities and environments which can be located on appropriate maps. Comparisons are made between the locality of our school and the area being studied to enable pupils to fully appreciate the differences. Pupils are exposed to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts related to their current Geography topic enabling them to further develop their appreciation of locational detail, human and physical processes. An enquiry approach is used as a shared experience, with key and supplementary questions, to encourage curiosity, geographical thinking, exploration and research, and to combine relevant knowledge with skills. Pupils are given the opportunity to investigate and discuss environmental issues and explore how 'real world' decisions are made.
Our high-quality History curriculum helps pupils gain coherent knowledge and an understanding of Britain’s past and of the wider world. We aim to inspire children’s curiosity to know more about the past and how our world has changed. Within the units there are recurring themes such as settlement, migration and religion which builds a stronger web of knowledge to ensure it sticks. Engaging with challenging themes enables pupils to connect with what is happening in the world around them. It enables them to engage in debate about what is happening today and use the past to inform those opinions. Throughout their studies, children will gain an understanding of the past through looking at a range of sources, asking perceptive questions, thinking critically, and developing perspective and judgement based off of evidence. The children benefit from a curriculum that enriches their lives and broadens their cultural experiences. This leads to a better understanding of culture and heritage and a desire to engage further with these areas
Computing is an integral part of our lives and technology is constantly changing. At Ravensworth Primary School, computing is taught to all pupils to equip children with the skills and confidence to use technology safely and responsibly. We train our pupils to become responsible digital citizens with a strong regard to E-Safety and cyber awareness.
Computing is fun and purposeful but is also challenging, creative and engaging. Our curriculum, which follows the National Curriculum, offers the children a wide range of experiences, ranging from programming Micro Bits, making Doodlers, editing films, creating presentations, and communicating in a range of ways. It is important to us that the skills gained are lifelong skills. Digital competence is as important as reading in the modern world.
We teach computing through a number of key strands:
Computer Science
Information Technology
Digital Literacy
Internet Safety
These core areas provide children with a broad range of opportunity including: Programming, creating media, data handling and learning about computing systems and networks.
We have a wide range of resources ranging from iPads in every room, a computer suite and a class set of Chrome Books.
Our school develops children's knowledge, skills and understanding in all areas of mathematics. We know that Maths is an essential life skill and that children will need it throughout their lives. We use Maths Beat and Meticulous Maths in our daily lessons.
We are a Maths Beat Pioneer, which is a wonderful resource that supports the development of skills through a range of problem solving techniques, knowledge acquisition and practice. You can find out more about it on our Maths Beat page.
During lessons we encourage children to ask as well as answer mathematical questions. Developing language understanding is an essential element of effective reasoning. Guided talk supports children to express their understanding and explore justifications for their answers.
They have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as number lines, number squares, digit cards, Numicon, Base 10 and small apparatus to support their work and their thinking.
At Ravensworth Primary School, we know that music plays an important role in increasing our children's social and emotional wellbeing as well as their confidence. Music is used to unite the school, bringing children together from many different backgrounds, creating a platform to celebrate difference.
Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act. It transcends generations – stimulating responses on both emotional and intellectual levels. It allows opportunity for personal expression and plays an important part in the personal development of an individual. Our music curriculum promotes the enthusiasm for, and the enjoyment of, music in all its forms. Our goal is for the children to develop musical skills and knowledge through effective, engaging and exciting teaching.
Children in our school are provided with a range of musical experiences such as learning to drum on Djembe Drums and playing the violin, viola and ukulele.
All children are also given the opportunity to perform to an audience and present their musical abilities.
The children and staff love music!
At Ravensworth our vision is to educate the whole child. We provide our pupils with the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead happy, successful and independent lives with positive relationships. Children are given the knowledge to make informed decisions about their own well-being, health, relationships and self-efficacy. We want our pupils to become informed, active and responsible citizens who feel valued members of their community.
As a school we employ a whole-school approach programme with a wide range of opportunities. Our offer is enhanced by Jigsaw PSHE, which perfectly connects the pieces of Personal, Social, Health and Well-Being Education, teaching children emotional literacy, social & lifelong skills, RSE and resilience in an age-appropriate manner. We equip children to lead happier and healthier lives, giving them agency to make their way through the world. The themes are woven throughout our curriculum and feature prominently throughout our values driven community.
We nurture children to be confident and successful, increasing their capacity to learn and preparing them for the challenges of the modern world.
Our PSHE offer is divided into 6 key categories, all of which are delivered throughout the school:
Being me in my World Healthy me
Celebrating Difference Relationships
Dreams and Goals Changing me
Religious Studies - RE
Religious Studies - RE
Our Religious Education curriculum provides pupils with an enquiry-based approach to learning. As a multi-faith school, it is incredibly important to support children in their awareness of the values and traditions of different religions practiced around the world, but also in the local community.
Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter developed each year, broadening the learning in a progressive way. Within our units, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, and Islam are covered in depth as are a range of religions.
Over the course of our provision, children build an understanding of human perspectives and with their increasing confidence will consider their reliability. At Ravensworth, RE is a key contributor for covering opportunities for SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) development. Not only does RE at Ravensworth serve the SMSC and British Values agendas but also contributes significantly to literacy skills, as well as linking easily to many areas of the National Curriculum.
Religious Education in our school is a key player in stimulating knowledge and understanding, which can lead to tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs. It does not, however, teach children to passively accept, but rather encourages evaluation and critical thinking, equipping them to consider the belief positions they encounter. Discovery RE enhances our curriculum and contributes significantly to the breadth of learning represented throughout our school
At Ravensworth primary we are dedicated to fostering a love of science. We have the belief that if we have the knowledge and skills of working scientifically, it will enable us to understand the world around us.
Science in our school creates awe and wonder by learning through memorable experiences that link to our everyday lives. We develop a love of science throughout lessons, which are engaging and challenging for all. A sense of curiosity about the world around us is developed and children are encouraged to ask questions. Science at Ravensworth Primary School is about children developing a sense of enquiry and extending their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
We use a range of teaching methods in science lessons, with an emphasis on providing a curriculum which develops and extends the scientific concepts and enables children to be curious about the world. This in turn, leads to children learning to work as scientists, planning and undertaking practical investigations through the five types of enquiry.
Lessons regularly promote real-life contexts, supplemented by the addition of our varied outside areas ,visitors and trips/excursions. Areas of learning are built on throughout the year, with children reviewing prior learning, ensuring firm foundations for the next building block of their knowledge.
Physical Education - PE
Physical Education - PE
At Ravensworth Primary School, we promote a love of physical activity through a challenging, engaging and broad curriculum that encourages all children to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle.
Our PE curriculum, paired with a range of lunch time clubs and extra-curricular activities, help to develop children’s physical fitness, knowledge, skills and understanding of individual sports, exposing children to a variety of sporting experiences.
PE at Ravensworth promotes happiness and wellbeing. Children are encouraged to challenge themselves, step out of their comfort zone and self-motivate. Strong role models are a key feature throughout our curriculum and working closely with sporting professionals enhance our provision.
In EYFS, children begin to learn the core fundamental skills that they will need to become physically confident in PE.
In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, children continue to develop these skills and are exposed to a variety of sports with age-appropriate challenges. We also offer children the opportunity to experience a range of PE trips and sporting fixtures.
Our curriculum enables children to:
➢ Lead healthy and active lives.
➢ Develop competence in a variety of physical activities.
➢ Be physically active for sustained periods of time.
➢ Take part and engage in competitive physical activity
Primary Languages
Primary Languages
The intention of our primary languages curriculum is:
- To develop an interest in and thirst for learning other languages;
- To introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways;
- To embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing;
- To build the children’s ‘culture capital’ so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures;
- Lay the foundations for future language learning.
The National Curriculum 2014 states that: ‘Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.’ This is at the heart of the teaching and learning of MFL in our school and underpins our aims and objectives.
Our Primary Languages curriculum has been designed to progressively develop skills in French. We ensure children acquire a bank of vocabulary organized around topics. They ensure development is progressive as they build on previous knowledge from units already studied. All children in KS2 are taught French in discrete lessons, using the ‘Language Angels’ scheme as the main resource for planning.
Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning